New and Established Massage Therapists

Looking To Get Paid More,

Work Less and/or add To Your Spa Income?

You spent a chunk of money learning how to do massage, and schools cannot teach you all of the nuances of being an active massage therapist. I help massage therapists minimize that learning curve with over 12 years of experience and a successful company.

My Mobile Massage Company Website:,

IG @nycmassageconcierge

Imagine if you could....

  • Double or triple your current income by serving only two clients per day.

  • Enjoy the flexibility to set your own schedule.

  • Take on as many or as few clients as you desire.

  • Have more time to savor life beyond work, pursue your passions, prioritize self-care, and spend quality moments with your children, friends, and family.

  • Attain greater financial freedom to eliminate debt, save for early retirement from a labor-intensive field, build wealth, travel more frequently, purchase real estate, or invest in whatever your heart desires.

Meet Lisa...

Hi! I began my massage career by working at spas, as it was the conventional choice after obtaining my license.

Within a year of working full-time at spas, I started doing in-home massages on the side and I came to realize several things:

1. I possessed exceptional skills as a massage therapist but I felt like my potential for growth was capped working at spas.

2. I had a strong aversion to adhering to schedules that limited my time and flexibility to live life outside of the job.

3. I disliked the transactional nature and quick turnaround with very little time between appointments that made me feel robotic and burnt out at the end of every shift .

4. I yearned for the chance to establish genuine healing partnerships with my clients that wasn't possible at the spa.

5. I earned significantly more money in much less time and labor and with guaranteed income with my in-home massage clients.

I've discovered my true passion for healing with providing in-home massage therapy.

I decided to leave behind working at spas and focus on building my own business, nurturing self-care partnerships with clients, making more money in less time and with more flexibility.

Taking meticulous notes, I launched my own brand, NYC Massage Concierge, providing in-home massage services with a more personalized approach.

Over the past 9 years, I have built a highly successful mobile massage business, consistently generating a six-figure income and allowing me to travel for at least five weeks each year and engage in other business ventures.

With the knowledge and experience I have gained, I now have a blueprint for success which I share with my massage therapists clients.

My vision is to empower as many therapists as possible to thrive with their own mobile/studio massage businesses.

The current market supports that our work is worth at least 4x more than what spas are willing to pay. Unfortunately, many experienced massage therapists limit their full income potential.

New graduates are also enticed by working at spas, unaware that they are limiting their full potential due to lack knowledge about other opportunities available to diversify sources of income.

I aim to educate and empower therapists, providing them with the tools and insights they need to succeed in the massage industry.

Here's what to expect:

  • Create an executable plan to start your own mobile/studio massage practice.

  • A few simple things you can do right now to supplement your current income.

  • Learn how to maximize apps to build a steady flow of income with regular clients.